Monday, December 5

all because of a video...

it's my last week of classes for the semester. tomorrow, I have three papers due and one final to take. So, why in the world am I blogging when the practical, good student thing to do (and we all know i'm a GREAT student... or procrastination's best friend. whichever, i guess.) would be read, write, pull out my hair, drink some hot chocolate, and then repeat that process? 

Because of a video.

There I was, 100% committed to finishin' my 10-pager (maybe not quite 100%), when my dear, sweet, not-good-at-helping-me-focus roommate told me to check it out. reluctantly gladly opening myself to another distraction, I did just that...

And I was inspired

Not in the life-altering, I-want-to-go-knock-on-every-neighbor's-door kind of way... but in a soft, gentle way that happens when I am undeniably touched by Truth.

And I am, for the hundredth time today, so, so very thankful. for my God. for our purity. and for my devilishly handsome, leader of a fiance.

have I mentioned how blessed I am?!

This guy is gifted, to say the least... and I would feel totally confident setting him up with any of my not-yet-swept-away friends (unsure why I'm on a let's-hyphenate-everything-kick, but it's working for me). it's called "sexual healing", and he's addressing our society's problem of sex as recreation. watch it, soak it in. this is truth, by gosh.  


Like I said, gifted, right? 

Leaving you with a quote from Elisabeth Elliot...

"There is dullness, monotony, sheer boredom in all of life when purity is no longer protected and prized. By trying to grab fulfillment everywhere, we find it nowhere."

with love and gratefulness, 
Kara soon-to-be Lankford

(that sounds sooo good...)

Monday, November 21

this should be fun...

Let's be honest, there is no good time to start a blog. 

It's always a bit inconvenient too involved awkward.

I tried once... when I spent six weeks doing missions in the Bahamas (yes, it's still considered mission work even if it's in a tropical paradise :). I wanted to remember the stories, the culture, and most of all, the people (and I didn't want to repeat hundreds of stories to so many different people). 

So, what happened? After two entries (full of hilarious Bahamian phrases and a few incredible pictures), a message pops up where my blog should've been. It said something along the lines of "we're sorry. your blog has encountered an error, blah, blah, blah... it no longer exists". Well, okay, then. Point taken. No blog for me. 

This is officially effort #2. Here's to hoping it lasts longer than two entries!

On to the point: I'm gettin' hitched in 208 days. To this guy: 

Blessed or what?

That means 208 days left:
  • To be a Woolsey. Weird thought? I think so. I will have spent 22 years being Kara Woolsey, and after a few words and the signing of a certificate, that will change forever. But, if I had to pick another name, I would undoubtedly choose Lankford. I am a big fan of him, his family, and an added bonus: my kids won't be doomed to the back of every classroom like I was (thank you, alphabetic order).
  • To sleep in a bed by myself. Not only is this the typical transition of woman alone to woman+man, but he is 6'5. six foot five inches takes up a LOT of space, but that is an adjustment that i am absolutely thrilled to make.
  • To live off PB&J and chicken noodle soup. For some reason, when you're a wife, that seems to be less acceptable than when you're just a college student.
  • UNTIL MY WEDDING DAY! That once-in-a-lifetime, whatever-the-heck-you-want, you'll-plan-for-months-and-the-day-will-fly-by day. The one day in our entire lives when everyone we love will be together, praising God and celebrating our love. Sounds pretty fabulous to me, even apart from all the pretty dresses, delicious food, and brilliant dancing :)
  • Until I get to live with my very best friend, confidant, encourager, admirer, and challenger. and to fall even MORE in love with him (possible? they tell me so.)
  • Until we get to become one, in the blessed institution created by the God who brought us to this point, redeemed and in freedom. This=the most exciting part. We will get to:
    1. Know each other in completely new ways (maybe that's where the tiny bit of terrified comes in :). In living together and in our hearts and souls being joined. In triumphs and in trials. In love and in pain. Game on. 
    2. See completely different sides and depths of the God we have served and will always serve so spiritedly. Marriage is such an incredible picture of Christ and His Bride, the only picture that even can touch on that, and His love, grace, forgiveness, tenderness, and devotion will become so much clearer when we experience that firsthand. How freakin' exciting.
    3. Show this picture of Christ and the Church to the whole world. Marriage is such a simple and straightforward tool to show His love to everyone we encounter, through our actions, the way we interact with each other, as well as the way God will remain the absolute center of our lives (even when I have such a good-lookin' guy next to me). We will be given the opportunity to show to the world what His deep, crazy intimate love and boundless grace looks like. 
So, all this to say... I want to keep a journal (of sorts) of this precious time in our lives, so that I will refuse to let each moment absolutely rush by. But even more, I want to share this journey with you, the people who have been so precious to us, in hopes that the Lord will receive the glory that He alone deserves. Past the wedding day, into our marriage. The excitement, the mishaps, and best of all, the growth. This should be fun!